Brahman’s Rehearsal — a virtual reality film — screenings

Screenshot of a VR film by Alex Neish

Brahman’s Rehearsal is a virtual reality film by Alex Neish that explores the representation of fictional minds within the medium. It is the prelude to a larger project that examines the stories constructed by thoughts about selfhood, memory and identity. In Brahman’s Rehearsal, you experience the self-communion of Steve, a grief-stricken consciousness who has recently lost his wife. 


Thursday 6 June, 6pm-9pm
Friday 7 June, 1pm-3pm
Saturday 8 June, 10.30am-2pm
Sunday 9 June, 10.30am-2pm
Tuesday 11 June, 11am-1pm
Wednesday 12 June, 10.30am-12.30pm
Friday 14 June, 12pm-1pm
Saturday 15 June, 12pm-1pm
Sunday 16 June, 2pm-4pm


Grey Studio (second floor)
School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies.
University Road
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Find out more about Alex Neish.